Why can a veteran lawyer be helpful for your claim?

Ask us your claim questions!

Table of Contents

  • The 3 Best Things for Service Connection

  • Do You Need Help with a VSO?

  • Why Hire a Veteran Lawyer?

  • H&P Disability Law Trivia

This week, let's explore what a VA accredited representative (VSO) and veterans lawyer does and how they can be valuable allies in securing the benefits you deserve.

Do you need help filing an appeal? Call us at (855) 494-1298.

3 Big Tips to Increase Your VA Rating

Do you know how to increase your VA rating?

These three big tips from our team could really help in getting you to the rating you deserve.

Check out our new video below!

Attention: Were You or a Loved One Deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan between 2003-2017?

Were you or a loved one deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan between 2003 and 2017? If you or your family member suffered injuries such as loss of limb, loss of eyesight, required surgeries due to blast impacts, or experienced severe traumatic brain injuries due to sniper, rocket mortar, EFP, or IED attacks, you might be entitled to compensation.

Don't suffer in silence. Our experts are ready to help fight for the justice you deserve.

Call us at (855) 494-1298 to learn more.

We want to hear from you!

We'd like to hear from you this week regarding Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs). Would you like help finding one to assist you with your claim or would you prefer a self-guided online course?

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Why should I hire a veteran lawyer for an appeal?

When navigating the complexities of VA disability claims, the prospect of involving a lawyer may seem daunting. 

However, understanding the role and benefits of a VA lawyer can demystify this crucial aspect of your claim process.

What is a VA Lawyer?

A VA lawyer specializes in veterans' disability law, an area dedicated to assisting veterans in obtaining disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

Despite laws being veteran-friendly, the VA’s interpretation may not always align in the veteran's favor. This is where a VA lawyer steps in.

Why Consider a VA Lawyer?

  • Expertise and Guidance: VA law is complex. A seasoned VA lawyer navigates these intricacies daily, offering expertise and guidance tailored to your unique situation.

  • Evidence and Appeals: Often, the battle for benefits doesn’t end with establishing service connection; it extends to securing appropriate compensation. Lawyers scrutinize the VA’s decisions, identifying areas where evidence can bolster your claim or where appeals can rectify underestimations of your disability.

  • Retroactive Awards: VA lawyers don't just look forward; they also look back, exploring your claim's history for opportunities to extend benefits retroactively, potentially resulting in significant awards.

Choosing a VA Lawyer

Selecting a VA lawyer is a decision that should be approached with diligence. Here are a few considerations:

  • Accreditation and Specialization: Ensure the lawyer is VA-accredited and specializes in VA claims.

  • Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates clearly about their strategy for your claim.

  • Record of Success: Inquire about the lawyer’s success rate with similar claims, seeking evidence of their ability to add value beyond what veteran service organizations offer for free.

When You Might Not Need a Lawyer

Certain scenarios, such as initial claims or straightforward appeals, might not necessitate legal representation. 

The VA has a duty to assist in these cases, but for more complex scenarios or denials, a lawyer’s expertise can be invaluable.

While the thought of hiring a lawyer may seem like a leap, understanding their role and the potential benefits can make it a considered step towards securing your rightful benefits. 

Remember, this is about ensuring your service and sacrifices are acknowledged to the fullest extent. 

As you weigh your options, consider how a VA lawyer could support your journey towards the benefits you've earned.

H&P Disability Law Trivia

Great job on the quiz question last week! About 52% of our readers got this one right! Here’s a recap:

When seeking legal representation for a VA disability appeals claim, which of the following statements is true regarding the appointment of a Veterans Service Organization (VSO), attorney, or claims agent as a representative?

Correct Answer:
B. Veterans can appoint an attorney or claims agent as their representative at any stage of the claims process.

Here’s this week’s question:

After receiving a decision on a VA disability claim, a veteran has several options to appeal the decision. Which of the following is NOT a recognized way to appeal a VA claim decision?

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In their words

I highly recommend Hill and Ponton to anyone (especially veterans) who is trying to get their disability via the VA or Social Security.  They were very knowledgeable about the whole process from the initial claim all the way to appearing before a judge.  They were very informative and keep me updated throughout the whole process.

Anthony Leggett (Jan 2020)

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